

It turns out that a lot of people commit a copy of nuget.exe into their code repositories.There are currently almost seventy-three thousand copies of this file in public GitHub repositories.Some of them used to be mine. Not anymore.tldr: don't include a copy of nuget.exe in your repository. Instead,...
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You've only added two lines - why did that take two days!

It might seem a reasonable question, but it makes some terrible assumptions: lines of code = effort lines of code = value all lines of code are equal None of those are true. Why did a fix that seems so simple when looking at the changes made take two days to complete? Because the issue was reported with a vague description of how to recreate it. It took me several hours to get to a reliable...
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Announcing: Rapid XAML Toolkit release 0.10

Yes, 0.10 means it's getting excitingly close to a full 1.0 release and the removal of the preview tag. Wider events and that some of what I'm trying to do with the toolkit has turned out to be much, much harder than I originally expected and means it's taking longer than I hoped but progress is being...
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Never set 'Copy To Output Directory' to 'Copy always'

What if there was a simple setting that could save you hours? I thought there was something wrong with the Test Explorer. I'd make a change in a configuration file that was used by some of my automated tests. Then I'd run all the tests again to see if that broke/fixed anything. Only, it would take...
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六毫秒加速器App-六毫秒加速器下载 1.0.1 安卓版-新云软件园:2021-6-12 · 六毫秒加速器是成都俊云科技有限公司打造的一款方便快捷的加速器软件,限时试用加速玩国服游戏、浏览国内视频,直播、音乐等各大主流平台,听歌追剧刷视频,低延迟极速畅联玩到爽,欢迎下 …

云豹浏览器下载-云豹浏览器正式版下载[浏览器]-华军软件园:2021-5-11 · 云豹浏览器正式版是款可伡浏览各种国外文章的网页浏览工具。云豹浏览器最新版中用户能一键智能连接国外网络设备,让你更好的在软件中能更好的了解国外热点新闻。云豹浏览器不仅能够支持多条国际专线,有效减低跨境传输造成的网络延时,还拥有丰富网络传输线路,覆盖全球绝大多数地区 ...making {some software} open source won’t cost {company} anything,” but I did today. Not being able to find an existing list of reasons why this isn’t the case, here are a few quick thoughts: Any change in ownership requires...
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